Wednesday, 8 June 2011


For more information on Oxygen Therapy see:


Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaeorbic (that is to say they do not breathe oxygen) and are unable to survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception." - Dr. Otto Warburg

An unnamed medical research nurse said," It's so simple. I don't know why I never thought of it before. When we're working with cell cultures in the laboratory, if we want the cells to mutate (turn cancerous) we turn down the oxygen. To stop them, we turn the oxygen back up."

Clumping together of red blood cells is a sign of absorption of undigested protein. In normal blood, the red cells should be round, freely moveable, and unattached. That way they can make their way through the blood vessels and accomplish their number one job, which you will remember is to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body. But the accumulation of undigested protein in the blood makes these red blood cells stick together, like stacks of coins, or like globs of motor oil. Once it gets like this, the blood tends to stay aggregated. Imagine the difficulty, then, for the blood to circulate in such a globbed-up condition. The smallest blood vessels, through which the blood has to pass each time around, are the capillaries. But unfortunately, the diameter of a capillary is only the same as one of the red blood cells - they're supposed to circulate in single file. So what happens in a body whose red cells are all stuck together for a few years? It's not rocket science: the tissues of the body become oxygen deprived and are forced to stew in their own wastes.
Are we talking cancer yet? We sure are. Nobel laureate Dr. Otto Warburg discovered in the 1920s what all researchers now know: most cancers cannot exist well in an oxygen-rich environment. Why is it that people don't die of cancer of the heart? Just doesn't happen. Why not? Because that's where the most highly oxygenated blood is, and cancer doesn't like oxygen. Tim O'Shea (From 'To The Cancer Patient.')
