For more information on the Gerson Therapy see the official Gerson Therapy website at:
See also
Interview with Charlotte Gerson
'In their official handout for public inquiries regarding the Gerson Therapy for cancer, the National Cancer Institute, a division of the U.S. Public Health Service, brazenly misinforms the public. "Dr. Gerson's methods were reviewed on a number of occasions; in no case was any evidence of effectiveness against cancer observed", the NCI states. "As a result, the Gerson method, which prescribes high amounts of carrot and apple juice, a vegetarian diet, and coffee enemas, is not considered to be an effective means of cancer treatment and no further evaluation is necessary."
However, if the NCI were to keep up with new medical developments, they would realize how out of touch they have become with true clinical efficacy. A recent retrospective British study of the 5-year survival rates of 153 melanoma patients treated with the Gerson method instead of surgery, shows a high degree of success.
Patients with localized melanomas (stage 1 and 2 skin cancer) had a 100% survival rate with Gerson compared to 79% for conventional treatment. For patients with 'regional spread melanoma' (stage 3), the Gerson survival rate was 71% compared to 39% ,and for 'superficial distant spread' (stage 4A), Gerson scored 39% compared to 6% for orthodox methods. - International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
"While writing this story of Gerson, I couldn't help feeling it was too shocking to believe. the friends with whom I discussed it became almost angry in their denial that anything of the sort could happen in this day and age. It developed that we were all naive...There had been dozens of lone scientists...who had been stamped out of existence and driven to spending their last days in solitude and bitterness." - S.J. Haught (Author of 'Dr. Gerson - Censured For Curing Cancer')
If you live in the United Kingdom, 4 Gerson DVDs - Healing At Home, The Gerson Miracle, Dying To Have Known and The Beautiful Truth - are available from: Gerson Support Group, PO Box 406, Esher, Surrey KT10 9UL. Price on application.